Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Reflections from Oz

I’m now back in the land down under .... but on my way home to Australia I took a few days off to get some R&R in Thailand which gave me the perfect opportunity to reflect on my amazing experience before attempting to tackle the onslaught of emails.

My first thoughts … I need a steak and a cup of coffee! No seriously – I am not sure how I can put into words or do justice to the experience I have just had, the people I met and the feeling of pride and happiness you get from doing something you know has the ability to make a real difference.

Many people have asked me what was the highlight of my trip – I can honestly say I don’t really have any ONE highlight, other than having had the opportunity to work with Judy for two weeks who I found to be an inspirational, intelligent and gifted leader who I now count as a good friend.

My first and lasting impression of India is how overwhelming it is in every sense – just the sheer number of people for a start is overwhelming; the metropolitan area of Mumbai has a population of approx. 20.5 million – if you consider that I live in Australia – our population is only 23 million for the entire country!

Here is a collection of my top 15 random memories, observations and thoughts …

1.       The traffic – or rather the erratic choreographed dance of cars, buses, carts, cows and people that merge together on the roads – all in perfect timing and tune to the constant sound of car horns.

2.       The gorgeous colours of all the Saris against the backdrop of rubbish and poverty

3.       The irony of sitting in the dark during constant black outs – while surrounded by 2 enormous power plants


4.       The contrast of Mumbai to rural India – the people and the pace!

5.       The knowledge that I will never be able to balance a bag or basket the size of a small house on my head

6.       The incredible talent of the Artisans I was fortunate enough to meet

7.       A reminder that learning is the best way to empower people and help to break down differences and build respect

8.       The giving, humble and positive attitudes of people like Shwetha, Nilarijanbhai and Lakabhai


9.       That people with an entrepreneurial spirit will find untapped resources and courage that will surprise them & ensure their success … Zakiya!


10.   That angry birds and mobile phones will find their way into every corner of the earth

11.   The constant smiles and laughter of all the students and staff at KRV

12.   That the world will not collapse if I do not have email for 24 hours

13.   That I have a new found appreciation for power, hot showers & coffee!

14.   That I will always be appreciative of Western Union and Ashoka for giving me this opportunity

15.   And finally - that one person (aka Judy) can have a positive ripple effect on the lives of many …

 So with those final thoughts I will sign-off this blog and say in my finest Gujarati …

Dhanyaawaad (pronounced Dhuhn-Ya-Vaad and means “Thanks” ) and Pachi maliye (see you later )!


Oh – just a few tips for my fellow Ashoka EIR friends … depending on where you are heading around the world - take a torch, travel pillow, mossy net, “travellers friend” drops, a physical book (in case you lose power like me and the IPAD becomes redundant!), a large memory card for the camera and a sense of humour! Xx

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